I was a bit dubious about another rideout after the Hastings run last month ,but boy what a contrast ! Hastings was a trial ..... massive traffic jams and overkill of police presence all the way down .Margate was the complete opposite , the little London of the south where everyone went for their holidays or their yearly Beano is now a town which looks like a recession hit seaside town ,many places now derelict or empty , but the biggest disappointment is Dreamland (the massive amusements park and funland )is no longer there ! GONE ! just a rather sad space and the burt out roller coaster where many a good time was had.
But this is about the Margate meltdown ride ,and this made up for some of the disappointment,after leaving London under some light showers ,nothing to bad ,and Gary's wayward fuse box on the CCM ,things started to look up .....as in the sun had made an appearance,with local knowledge (gary) we hit all the minor A&B roads all the way down ,once in Margate it was such a relief not to have to go handlebar to handle bar with the massed hoards,it was a well organised & marshalled event,parked up and got to have a good look at some rather tasty bikes,and a look around the town,i do hope that this will remain a regular event and bring some much needed tourism to the place ,its got a great sandy beach and some nice views.....it seems when Dreamland went the place just died !Well here are some pictures,oh by the way LONG LIVE MARGATE.